東京大学 大学院情報学環 藤本研究室
post date and time: 2024-11-21 contributor: Amandancurtis.
みなさん、こんにちは! 特別研究学生のアマンダです。11月14日のゼミ活動では、Leafyさんの関連論文紹介と犬田さんの関連論文紹介と犬田さんのプレイセッションが行われました。
Leafy introduced two papers on simulation games and their applications in research: “A Scientific Foundation of Simulation Games for the Analysis and Design of Complex Systems” and “What.Hack: Engaging Anti-Phishing Training Through a Role-playing Phishing Simulation Game.”
“A Scientific Foundation of Simulation Games for the Analysis and Design of Complex Systems” explores the use of simulation games as research tools, focusing on limitations, recommendations, and best practices. To do so, the paper reviewed related works, presented case studies, and conceptualized simulation games. It outlined three levels of inquiry: (1) philosophical level, (2) scientific level, and (3) practical level. It then provides a “scientific toolbox”. Simulation games were found to improve decision-making, team coordination, and understanding of complex systems.
“What.Hack: Engaging Anti-Phishing Training Through a Role-playing Phishing Simulation Game” focused on a game designed to teach participants how to identify phishing attempts. Using a controlled experiment, the authors found that the game was effective at improving phishing awareness, self-confidence, and decision-making in simulated and real-world scenarios. One of her main takeaways is that it is important to combine contextual learning theory with gamification design practices.
Leafyさん then related this to her own research plans.
1. 「A Scientific Foundation of Simulation Games for the Analysis and Design of Complex Systems」
2. 「What.Hack: Engaging Anti-Phishing Training Through a Role-playing Phishing Simulation Game」
「A Scientific Foundation of Simulation Games」では、シミュレーションゲームを研究ツールとして使うことについて議論されました。この論文では、他の研究をレビューし、ケーススタディを紹介し、哲学的レベル・科学的レベル・実践的レベルの3つの視点でゲームを分析しました。また、「Scientific Toolbox」を提供し、ゲームが意思決定、チームワーク、複雑なシステムの理解を向上させることがわかりました。
犬田さん discussed a paper on gamifying online surveys: “Online research–game on!: A look at how gaming techniques can transform your online research”. It focused on transforming surveys with gamification techniques to make them more engaging and fun. Some key techniques are: personalization, emotion induction, projection (asking participants to take on another perspective), and fantasy scenarios. The study found that gamified surveys improved engagement, with visually rich versions showing higher satisfaction and response rates.
犬田さん emphasized that gamification can make surveys immersive and more enjoyable without compromising data quality. His own research focuses on improving how questions are presented, using visuals and feedback mechanisms to boost engagement.
犬田さんは、アンケート調査のゲーム化に関する論文「Online research–game on!: A look at how gaming techniques can transform your online research」を紹介しました。この論文では、調査をもっと楽しく魅力的にするためのゲーム化の方法が紹介されました。主なテクニックは次の通りです:
• パーソナライズ(質問を参加者個人に関連付ける)
• 感情誘発(質問に感情を引き出す要素を追加)
• 視点の投影(他の視点で考えさせる)
• ファンタジーシナリオ(仮想の状況を想像させる)
Category: Lab news Author: Amandancurtis. permalink