
Books and papers by members of our laboratory.

Books and papers by members of our laboratory.




(Doctoral dissertation)

  • Fujimoto, T. (2010). Story-Based Pedagogical Agents: A Scaffolding Design Approach for the Process of Historical Inquiry in a Web-Based Self-Learning Environment, unpublished doctoral dissertation. The Pennsylvania State University, USA.

Authored Books and Translations

(Single author)

  1. Fujimoto, T. (2007). Serious Games - Digital Games Beneficial for Education and Society. Tokyo Denki University Press, Tokyo.


  1. Fujimoto, T., & Morita, Y. (Eds.). (2017). Game Research in Educational Technology Field. In Selected Books of Japan Society for Educational Technology "Games and Learning" Chapter 1, 1-15. Minerva Shobo, Tokyo.

  2. Fujimoto, T., & Morita, Y. (Eds.). (2017). The Future Image of Games and Education/Learning. In Selected Books of Japan Society for Educational Technology "Games and Learning" Chapter 6, 147-165. Minerva Shobo, Tokyo.

  3. Fujimoto, T. (2017). Serious Games. In The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence Studies. 1199-1201. Kyoritsu Shuppan, Tokyo.

  4. Fujimoto, T., Ikejiri, R., Takahashi, K., Tamita, H., & Fukuyama, Y. (2016). Introduction to In-company Game Training (E-book). Ludix Lab (Ed.).

  5. Fujimoto, T. (2015). Serious Games & Gamification. In "The Present of Games: 18 Keywords to See Through the Game Industry" Chapter 10. SoftBank Creative, Tokyo.

  6. Fujimoto, T. (2010). Fusion of Learning and Play: Serious Games. In Y. Yamauchi (Ed.), "Educational Study of Digital Materials" Chapter 6. The University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo.

  7. Fujimoto, T. (2010). Serious Games. In Textbook Production Committee of Digital Games, "Textbook of Digital Games: Latest Trends in Game Industry That Should Be Known" Chapter 14. SoftBank Creative, Tokyo.

  8. Fujimoto, T. (2008). Functional Games. In J. Wei (Ed.), "Encounter of Online Games and Education" (in Korean) Chapter 5.

  9. Smith, B. K., Sharma, P., Lim, K. Y., Akilli, G. K., Kim, K., Fujimoto, T., & Hooper, P. (2008). Finding meaning in online, very-large scale conversation. In B. J. Jansen , A. Spink & I. Taksa (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Web Log Analysis (p. 307-328). Hershey, PA: IGI.


  1. McGonigal, J. (Supervised by Senichiro Saeo, Translated by Toru Fujimoto, Kiyomi Fujii) (2011). Reality is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World. Hayakawa Publishing, Tokyo.

  2. Prensky, M. (Translated by Toru Fujimoto) (2009). Digital Game-Based Learning. Tokyo Denki University Publishing, Tokyo.

  3. Prensky, M. (Translated by Toru Fujimoto) (2007). Don't Bother Me Mom--I'm Learning!: How Computer and Video Games are Preparing Your Kids for 21st Century Success. Tokyo Denki University Publishing, Tokyo.

Papers (peer-reviewed):

  1. Fujimoto, T., Suzuki, M., Fukuyama, Y., & Ikejiri, R. (2022) A Survey on How Game Players Perceive Learning Experience Through Gameplay. Journal of Digital Games Research, 14(2), 1-8.

  2. Fujimoto, T., Sakai, Y., Ikejiri, R., Ihara, K., Nakazato, S., & Fukuhara, M. (2020) Development and Evaluation of a Project-Based Learning Course on Social Issues through Industry-Government-Academia Collaboration - Development of an Educational Curriculum in Response to the Issues of Educational Reform. Computer & Education, 48, 64-69. doi:10.14949/konpyutariyoukyouiku.48.64

  3. Fujimoto, T., Ara, Y., Yamauchi, Y. (2019) Trends in Research on the Introduction of Gamification into Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Japan journal of educational technology, 43(3), 267-273. doi:10.15077/jjet.43027

  4. Sakai, Y., Fujimoto, T., & Ikejiri, R. (2019) The Impact of Project Learning with Game Elements on Learning Motivation and Career Vision. Japan journal of educational technology, 43(Suppl), 81-84. doi:10.15077/jjet.S43048

  5. Fukuyama, Y., Mitate, Y., Fujimoto, T., Asami, T. (2019) Practice of Game Materials that Contribute to University Students' Career Formation - Focusing on the Relevance of Society and Career. Japan journal of educational technology, 43(2), 127-138. doi:10.15077/jjet.42140

  6. Mao, J., Ifenthaler, D., Fujimoto, T., Garavaglia, A., & Rossi, P. G. (2019) National Policies and Educational Technology: a Synopsis of Trends and Perspectives from Five Countries. TechTrends, 63(3), 284-293. doi:10.1007/s11528-019-00396-0 [AECT Burniske TechTrend Article Award of 2019]

  7. Fujimoto, T., Takahama, A., Ara, Y., Isshiki, Y., Nakaya, K., & Yamauchi, Y. (2018). Designing a MOOC as an Online Community to Encourage International Students to Study Abroad. Educational Media International, 55(4), 333-346. doi:10.1080/09523987.2018.1547545

  8. Fujimoto, T., Ara, Y., Yamauchi, Y. (2018) Trends in Learning Analytics Research in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Japan journal of educational technology, 41(3), 305-313. doi:10.15077/jjet.41037

  9. Takahashi, K., Fujimoto, T., Araki, J., Takahashi, K., Yachi, M., & Yamauchi, Y. (2016). Assessing a Learning Environment that Uses Facebook to Support High School Students’ Career Learning. Educational Technology Research, 39(1), 65–82. doi:10.15077/etr.40071

  10. Fujimoto, T. (2015) Development and Practice of a Class Design Framework Incorporating Game Elements. Japan journal of educational technology, 38(4), 351-361. doi:10.15077/jjet.KJ00009873992

  11. Fujimoto, T., Kishimoto, Y., Nishimura, K., Takahashi, K., Takahashi, J., Taniuchi, M., & Yamauchi, Y. (2015) Practice of Game Developer Education using a Learning Game Development Platform. Digital Game Research, 7(2), 13-21.

  12. Takahashi, K., Araki, J., Fujimoto, T., Otsuji, Y., Suzuki, H., & Yamauchi, Y. (2013) Transformation of High School Students' Views on Career through a Career Education Support Project Utilizing Social Media. Journal of Career Design Research, 9, 19-33.

  13. Takahashi, K., Fujimoto, T., Araki, J., Takahashi, J., Taniuchi, M., & Yamauchi, Y. (2013) Practice and Evaluation of Career Learning Environment Using Facebook. Transactions of the Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education, 37(3), 269-285.

  14. Takahashi, K., Fujimoto, T., Suzuki, H., Otsuji, Y., & Yamauchi, Y. (2013) Practice of High School Student Essay Writing Group Using Facebook. Transactions of the Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education, 37(Suppl.), 137-140.

  15. Fujimoto, T., & Yamada, M. (2013) Current Status of Evaluation of Educational Use of Games in Informal Learning and Future Developments. Transactions of the Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education, 37(3), 343-351.

  16. Ikejiri, R., Fujimoto, T., Tsubumoto, Y., & Yamauchi, Y. (2012) Design and Evaluation of Teaching Materials to Cultivate the Ability to Apply Historical Events to Modern Problem Solving. Educational Media Studies, 19(1), 1-12.

  17. Fujimoto, T. (2012) Introduction of Game Developer Education with Serious Game Development as a Theme. Digital Game Research, 5(2), 53-58.

  18. Fujimoto, T. (2011) Thinking for Effective Educational Use of Digital Games. Computer & Education, 31, 10-15.

  19. Senoh, K., Fujimoto, T., & Hashizume, R. (1998) Construction and Operation of a Project-Based Learning Environment Utilizing Media: An Attempt at Keio SFC "Social Research Method". Computer & Education, 4, 66-74.

  20. Fujimoto, T., & Tsujimoto, M. (1996) Improvement Ideas for Information Processing Education System ~ Proposal from a Survey Research of Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus ~. Computer & Education, 1, 31-37.


  1. Fujimoto, T. (2020). The Efforts of the Japan Digital Game Association in Moving Activities Online. Journal of Digital Games Research, 13(1), 25-28.

  2. Fujimoto, T. (2018). Development of a Support Tool for Learning Game Design and Implementation. Report of the Japan Society for Educational Technology SIG-05, 2018, 3-7.

  3. Fujimoto, T., Shigeta, K. (2017). Trends in Digital Badge Research. Report of the Japan Society for Educational Technology SIG-05, 3-8. 

  4. Takahama, A., Fujimoto, T. (2017). The Development of the MOOC "Studying at Japanese Universities" for Those Hoping to Study in Japan. RyugakuKoryu, 73, 16-27.

  5. Fujimoto, T., Shigeta, K., & Fukuyama, Y. (2016). The Research Trends in Game-Based Learning and Open Education. Educational Technology Research, 39(1), 15-23. (Invited) doi:10.15077/etr.41038

  6. Takahama, A., Fujimoto, T. (2016). Development of the MOOC "Studying at Japanese Universities" for Those Hoping to Study in Japan. RyugakuKoryu, 66, 30-37.

  7. Fujimoto, T., Shigeta, K. (2016). Research Trends in Game-Based Learning and Open Education. Report of the Japan Society for Educational Technology SIG-05, 2016, 3-7.

  8. Fujimoto, T., Shigeta, K. (2015). Overview. Report of the Japan Society for Educational Technology SIG-05, 2015, 2-3.

  9. Fujimoto, T. (2015). New Developments in Game-Based Learning. Studies of Broadcasting and Media, Issue 12, 233-252.

  10. Fujimoto, T. (2014). Serious Games and Gamification - Past Developments and Future Challenges. Journal of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 68(5), 5-11.

  11. Murayama, H., Ara, Y., Fujimoto, T., Yamanouchi, Y. (2014). The University of Tokyo's Efforts in Delivering MOOCs. IDE: Modern Higher Education, (564), 22-29.

  12. Ara, Y., Fujimoto, T., Ishii, Y., Yamanouchi, Y. (2014). Results and Analysis of the MOOC Pilot Experiment: From the University of Tokyo's Efforts in 2013. Journal of Information Studies, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo, 86, 83-100.

  13. Fujimoto, T. (2012). Games as a Service. The Journal of Information Science and Technology Association, 62(12), 502-507.

  14. Fujimoto, T. (2008). Trends in Serious Games in the United States and Europe. Survey Report on the Current State of Serious Games (Chapter 4, Sections 1-3), Digital Content Association.

  15. Fujimoto, T. (2008). Trends in Serious Games in the United States and Europe. TV Game Industry White Paper (05-9), Media Create.

  16. Fujimoto, T. (2007). Consideration of Lesson Design Using Game and Simulation-Based Teaching Materials. Project Report of "Real-Theoretical Integration MOT Teaching Material Development through Dialogue with Enterprises", Graduate School of Shibaura Institute of Technology.

  17. Fujimoto, T. (2006). Serious Games and Next-Generation Contents. "Research on Next-Generation Infrastructure Technology for Digital Contents", Chapter 4, Digital Content Association.

  18. Fujimoto, T. (2006). Thoughts and Methods for Developing Simulation Game-Type Teaching Materials. Project Discussion Paper of "Real-Theoretical Integration MOT Teaching Material Development through Dialogue with Enterprises", Graduate School of Shibaura Institute of Technology.

  19. Sockman, B. R., Kirby, J. A., Kidwai, K., Fujimoto, T., and Albayrak-Karahan, M. (2005). Radicals on the road in Chicago. TechTrends, 49(1).

Presentations (Reviewed):

  1. Sakai, Y., Fujimoto, T. (2020) The Impact of Self-Care Training Using a Mental Health Learning Game on Workers' Psychological Stress Responses and Understanding of Stress Coping - Verification of the Effect of "Stress Management for Self-Care". Proceedings of the 10th Annual Meeting of the Japan Digital Game Association. 8-11
  2. Fujimoto, T., Ikejiri, R., and Fukuyama, Y. (2019) Bridging Meaningful Play and Playful Learning – Supporting the Design Process of Gamification in Education. Proceedings of the 2019 DiGRA International Conference. Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan.

  3. Shimoyamada, S., Nakazawa, A., and Fujimoto, T. (2019). Blending Online and Offline Learning: A Study on the Development of an English As a Medium of Instruction Workshop. In Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on Educational and Information Technology (pp. 141–146). New York, NY, USA: ACM. doi:10.1145/3318396.3318405

  4. Fujimoto, T., Fukuyama, Y., Azami, S. and Konno, S. (2017) JobStar Online: Game-Based Learning on Smartphones to Promote Youth Career Education. International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2017), Christchurch, New Zealand. 765-773. (Paper)

  5. Fujimoto, T., Takahama, A., Ara, Y., Isshiki, Y., Nakaya, T., Yamauchi, Y. (2017) Building an Online Community for International Students to Support Studying Abroad with a MOOC. International Council for Educational Media (ICEM 2017), Naples, Italy. (Paper)

  6. Fujimoto, T. and Yap, C.M. (2016) The Analysis of Incidental Learning in the Affinity Spaces of a Smartphone Game “Neko Atsume”. International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education. Sapienza University, Rome, Italy. (Paper)

  7. Fujimoto, T., Fukuyama, Y., and Azami, S. (2015) Game-Based Learning for Youth Career Education Using a Card Game ‘JobStar’. Proceedings of The 9th European Conference on Games Based Learning. 203-209. Nord-Trondelag University College Steinkjer, Norway. (Paper)

  8. Fujimoto, T., Isshiki, Y., Ara, Y., Yamauchi, Y., Miyagawa, S., and Yoshimi, S. (2015) Developing the MOOC Visualizing Postwar Tokyo with Inter-organizational Collaboration. Learning With MOOCs Workshop 2015 (LWMOOCs II). Columbia University, NY, USA.

  9. Fujimoto, T., Nishimura, K., Takahashi, K., Yachi, M., Takahashi, K., & Yamauchi, Y. (2013.10) Global Math: Development of Online Platform for Mathematical Thinking Games. 7th European Conference on Game‐Based Learning, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP), Porto, Portugal.

  10. Sato, T., Takahashi, K., Fujimoto, T., Kiyoshi, T., Yachi, M., and Yamauchi, Y. (2013) Proposal for a Computer System with Structured Chat and Social Stamp Functions to Support Social Reading for High School Students. ICoME2013, Digital Version A.

  11. Ikejiri, R., Fujimoto, T., Tsubakimoto, M., and Yamauchi, Y. (2012) Designing and Evaluating a Card Game to Support High School Students in Applying Their Knowledge of World History to Solve Modern Political Issues. International Conference of Media Education. Beijing Normal University.

  12. Yamauchi, Y., Fujimoto, T., Takahashi, K., Araki, J., Otuji, Y., and Suzuki, H. (2012.10) Impact of Using Facebook as a Social Learning Platform to Connect High School Students with Working Adults. Proceedings of E-Learn 2012. (1), 465-472: Montreal, Canada. (Outstanding Paper Award)

  13. Fujimoto, T., Misono, T., Takahashi, K., Otuji, Y., Suzuki, H., and Yamauchi, Y. (2012.10) Designing a Game-based Social Application for Mathematics Education. Proceedings of Meaningful Play 2012. East Lansing, MI, USA.

  14. Akilli, G. K., Smith, B. K., Sharma, P., Lim, K. Y., Kim, K., Fujimoto, T., Hooper, P. (2008). Fantasy Sports as Participatory Media Spaces: Early Research on New Learning Environments, AERA 2008 Conference (American Educational Research Association), March 24-28, 2008, New York, NY.

  15. Fujimoto, T. (2005). Social Interactions Experienced in the Massively Multiplayer Online Game Environment: Implications in the Design of Online Learning Courses. Presented at the AECT Annual Conference. Orlando, FL. (Paper)

  16. Fujimoto, T., Yung, C., Cai, Y., Chiang, C. (2005). Needs Assessment on a Second Language Education Program. Presented at the AECT Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.



  1. Fujimoto, T., Ikejiri, R., and Fukuyama, Y. (2019) Bridging Meaningful Play and Playful Learning – Supporting the Design Process of Gamification in Education. Proceedings of the 2019 DiGRA International Conference. Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan.
  2. Fujimoto, T. (2019) The design and development process of an online course to support gamification design. the 2019 DiGRA International Conference Workshop. Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan. 18-19. Aug. 6, 2019.
  3. Fujimoto, T. (2019) Gamification for Educational Purposes in Japan, Digital Games Research Conference Workshop. Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan. Aug. 7, 2019. 
  4. SAKAI, H., and Fujimoto, T. (2019) The Effects of Mental Health Education Games and Their Effects on the Prevention of Employee Stress. the 2019 DiGRA International Conference Workshop. Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan. 28-31. Aug. 6, 2019.
  5. Shimoyamada, S., Nakazawa, A., Fujimoto, T. and Nicola Galloway, N. (2019). A MOOC as a virtual community for glocalisation: a case report on teacher-training in English Medium. ALT ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2019. University of Edinburgh, UK. Sep. 5, 2019.
  6. Fujimoto, T. (2016) Research Convergence and Emergence in Game-Based Learning and Open Education, JSET special session at AECT International Convention, Las Vegas, USA..
  7. Fujimoto, T. (2013.11) Development of a Ubiquitous Social Learning Tool for Idea Organization, Sixth International Conference on e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies. Universidad Nacional De Education A Distancia (UNED) Madrid, Spain. 11/14/2013.
  8. Fujimoto, T. (2010.3). New Routes to Market for Japanese Games Companies. Serious Games Conference 2010. Suntec Convention Centre, Singapore. 03/03/2010. (invited)
  9. Fujimoto, T. (2008.5). Games for Health in Japan, Games for Health Conference 2008, Baltimore, MD. 05/11/2008. (invited)
  10. Fujimoto, T. (2007.12). Serious Games in Japan, Serious Games Sessions Europe 2007. Lyon, France. 12/03/2007 (invited)
  11. Fujimoto, T., Beppu, F. (2006.9). Games for Health in Japan, Games for Health Conference 2006. 09/29/2006.(invited)
  12. Fujimoto, T. (2005.10). Serious Games: Japan. Serious Games Summit DC. Washington, DC. (invited)
  13. Fujimoto, T. (2005.3). Serious Games and COTS Games in Japan. Serious Games Summit in Game Developers Conference. San Francisco, CA. (invited)

(Domestic Conference)

  1. Zaitsu, K. & Fujimoto, T. (2022) Creating a useful and helpful pattern language for game-based learning design. Proceedings of Digital Games Research Association JAPAN 12th Annual Conference. 15-18.